Getting an accurate quote is important. There’s nothing more frustrating when working on a project than getting a quote and then meeting with someone and finding out the quote was way off. The best way to ensure an accurate quote is by filling out the form thoroughly. To help you do so, let’s go through all the information we’re looking for to create your quote.
In case you’re wondering, you don’t have to fill out the form to receive a quote. If you’d be more comfortable discussing your product over the phone, go ahead and contact us. This list will also give you an idea of what information we’ll need to discuss with you over the phone.
What are you currently using for this application and what’s the reason for the change? (Price, performance, etc.)
If you’re not currently using a tape for your desired application, go ahead and move on. If you’re currently using a tape or adhesive, be specific. If you know the name of the product you’re using, especially if it’s brand name, be sure to let us know. We work with a wide variety of other tape manufacturers so we will most likely know the specifics of the tape you’re currently using from just the name. If you don’t know the name or you’re using a custom product, it’s helpful for us to know where you get the tape from and a little about how you went about sourcing it. That can give us an idea about the features of the product you’re using.
The reason you’re wanting to change the tape you’re using is even more important for us to know. If the tape is failing, be specific as to how it’s failing and what you’d like it to do instead. For example: Does it not hold long enough? How long does it hold and how long would you like it to hold. Is it too expensive? How much are you paying and what would you like to pay? Are your suppliers lead times too long? How quickly do you need to receive your products? Etc.
Project Description (Please include: application of the adhesive, surfaces it will adhere to, desired hold time, size (length, width, die cut), temperature or weather challenges product will be exposed to)
The most important thing here is to be specific. We need to know exactly what the adhesive will be used for and where it will be used. The type of surface the adhesive is being used on, as well as environmental factors it will be exposed to are very important when designing tape. Things to include may be: whether you live in a dry or humid climate, whether your adhesive will be used indoors or outdoors, whether your adhesive will be used in hot or cold temperatures, whether it will be exposed to harsh weather or harsh indoor environments, whether the adhesive will have to withstand pressure, etc.
Desired Price Range
Try to be realistic about your pricing. If you don’t know anything about tape pricing that’s fine, just give us your best guess at what you’re comfortable paying.
Maximum Order Quantity (What is the largest order size you anticipate making?)
Obviously this may change, but give us your best guess. This can help us determine pricing and be sure we will be able to source and/or produce the volume you’re looking for.
Estimated Yearly Usage (How much product do you anticipate using throughout the year?)
This is helpful for the same reasons as the previous question. Simply estimate what size orders you think you’ll be placing on average and how often you think you’ll be placing them.
As previously mentioned, the more specific you are with all of these details, the more accurate quote you will receive. We can do amazing things with tapes and adhesives, from putting multiple tapes together to give each side different capabilities, to finding ways to make the tape easier to use in production or application. In order to make the best tape for you, we need to know specifics.
Ready to get your free quote? Head over here.
Find out more about what tape can do by visiting our blog. We look forward to working with you.