Brand loyalty is a cornerstone of many company-customer relationships. The tried-and-true solution that has performed well and filled a need in the past is always the best choice for the future, right?
Not always.
With innovation at a fever pitch in many industries, it’s a good idea to evaluate just how well your tried-and-true solution is working … and whether there might be a better way to get the job done. Maybe there are new solutions on the market that perform better. Maybe there is a way you hadn’t thought of to customize an adhesive solution for your needs.
Choosing the right adhesive today is complicated. You need to think about the type of surfaces (substrates) you’re sticking it to, the condition of that substrate (whether it’s smooth or rough, for example), the life expectancy of the adhesive, (whether it needs to last for a day, a year, or a lifetime), the environment, and many more factors. Maybe your conditions haven’t changed, but tape innovation may have come up with a better solution.
The problem is, you don’t know what you don’t know.
At Walker Tape Converting, we get it. Many of our customers come to us because of dissatisfaction with their current adhesive solution — whatever it may be — suspecting there might be a more perfect fit for their needs, but not knowing where to look or how to go about finding it. It makes sense. When a converter has a relationship with just one manufacturer and finds that their tapes aren’t doing the job for a customer, there’s little to no alternative beyond trying the same old solutions again. So many customers have worked with just one tape manufacturer with so-so results but they don’t know what else is out there.
That’s where our expertise can help.
Walker’s unique converting expertise
We bring a unique kind of expertise to the marketplace that most other converters just don’t have. It starts with our relationships with multiple manufacturers and grows from there, allowing us to be a one-of-a-kind source for our customers.
Relationships. Walker Tape Converting is one of the only converters out there that has preferred relationship status with the top three tape manufacturers in the world: 3M, tesa®, and Avery Dennison, along with the many other manufacturers we have relationships with as well. Many converters are tied to just one manufacturer, bending and molding and sometimes force-fitting their products to fit all of their customers’ applications. We don’t work that way. Because we have years of nurturing relationships with multiple tape manufacturers behind us, we can offer our customers a true choice of everything that’s out there. Bonus: Our buying power with multiple manufacturers allows us to offer our customers great prices.
Big picture view. We often find that our new or existing customers don’t necessarily know they need to switch manufacturers. In many cases, they can be initially resistant to it, especially if they’ve been using one brand of tape for years. This is where our expertise comes in. We can see the big picture. We know what’s out there on the market today and we’re up on the latest innovations. We can see at a glance what products might work better for your current needs.
Custom creations. Few converters in the marketplace today can offer what we can: the ability to combine products from multiple manufacturers. It allows us to create a custom solution that will be exactly right for the unique needs and applications our customers need.
Think you might need a better solution? Contact us today. We’re happy to help!